Many of you probably don't realize this, but today, March 10th is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The New York City Department of Heath and Mental Hygiene and more specifically their NYC Knows program put together an infographic in an attempt to show the landscape of HIV/AIDS among women and girls in New York City.
As mothers/parents/sisters and friends of teenage girls we know discussing the birds and the bees can be hard enough to talk about especially when its on the topic of STI's. The purpose of creating the below infographic is to help break the ice. The hope is that this disease is met head on and that can be done by destimatizing it.
Please help get the word out about this cause. Its sensitive but it doesn’t have to be and this is just one more way you can help in the fight to make the world AIDS free. For more information or to become active in the initiatives, visit: Facebook/ or
NYC Knows is a public initiative carried out by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The program aims to increase HIV and AIDS awareness by promoting free testing facilities, treatment centers and prevention education. The ultimate goal of the NYC Knows program is to have every citizen of New York City knowing his or her HIV status.